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Fixed Point Iteration

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03 Aug 2017

Fixed Point Iteration Method

You want to use this method to find a point where \(f(p) = p \). In other words, the point you put into the function returns the same point. To put it in another perspective, when the line \(y = x \) intersects your function \(f(x)\).

INPUT initial approximation p_o;tolerance TOL; maximum number of iterations N

OUPUT approximate solution p or message of failure.

Step 1 Set i = 1.

Step 2 While i =< N do Steps 3-6
  Step 3 Set p = g(p). (Compute p_i)
  Step 4 If |p - p_o| < TOL then
    OUTPUT (p); (Procedure was successful)
  Step 5 Set i = i + 1
  Step 6 Set p_o = p (Update p_o)
  Step 7 OUTPUT ('The method failed after N iterations'); (Failed procedure)

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